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TPD Legislation


TPD, so what is it?

Quite simply the TPD stands for Tobacco Products Directive. For the most part it is aimed at the Tobacco Industry but since the classification of E-Cigarettes and E-Liquid both of these were included. You can find the specific E-Cigarette regulations in Article 20 of the TPD. The TPD regulations fully kicked in on the 20th May 2017.

What do the new regulations mean?

Well, we will summarise some of the most notable, key points below:

You will not be allowed to buy pre-mixed E-Liquid in anything larger than a 10ml, TPD compliant bottle or vessel.
The highest nicotine strength that can be supplied is 2.0% (20mg/ml). We will only be selling Nicotine Shots to the maximum strength of 1.8% (18mg/ml).
Hardware in the form of Tanks/clearomisers cannot have anything larger than a 2ml capacity. Additionally, they must be leakproof at the point of refilling.
The advertising of most vaping products is banned. This includes physical advertising and electronic communications, such as emails and social media platforms.
As well as the physical changes there are also restrictions when it comes to shipping E-Cigarette items to various countries. For a complete listing of where we can and where we can't ship to then please see OUR DELIVERY OPTIONS.

As stated above you can read the entire Article 20 on our site by clicking HERE

Or, if you want to read from the original source (in PDF) then click HERE

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